16 Years of Caring: Precision Cancer Care Celebrates a Milestone in Lawrence Kansas

Cancer Care Lawrence, KS 2024

16 Years of Caring: Precision Cancer Care Celebrates a Milestone in Lawrence Kansas

This July 1st marks a momentous occasion for Precision Cancer Care (PCC) – 16 years of serving the Lawrence community! Dr. Darren Klish, the founder and driving force behind PCC, reflects on this journey with immense pride and a deep appreciation for the patients, staff, and community that have made it all possible.

Dr. Darren Klish

Dr. Darren Klish, Precision Cancer Care

A Commitment to Local Care:

From the very beginning, Dr. Klish envisioned PCC as a beacon of hope for Lawrence residents facing cancer. He firmly believed in the power of local, accessible care.

You know I was offered jobs at KU Medical Center and the MD Anderson Cancer Center and I declined those job offers because I wanted to be in Lawrence. I’m a native Kansan and I love the Lawrence community. We wanted a place where we could raise our children and where patients really appreciate the care we provide. That’s the essence of why we started here. We have really enjoyed living in Lawrence for the last fifteen years and we are extremely proud of the level of care we provide at Precision Cancer Care. “ – Dr. Darren Klish.

Over the years, PCC has grown to encompass three locations: Lawrence KS, Ottawa KS, & Chanute KS; offering comprehensive radiation therapy treatments. The numbers speak for themselves – over 4,800 courses of treatment delivered and an estimated well over 5,000 successful radiation treatment journeys completed. These numbers represent countless lives touched, families supported, and a community empowered to fight cancer close to home.

Precision Cancer Care Waiting Room Lawrence KS

A Passion for Healing:

Dr. Klish’s dedication goes beyond providing advanced technology. His true passion lies in the human connection. He finds deep fulfillment in meeting patients, understanding their journeys, and partnering with them through their fight. Whether it’s achieving a cure or effectively managing symptoms, Dr. Klish emphasizes the importance of helping patients heal, both physically and emotionally.


Precision Cancer Care Office Lawrence KS

Receptionist Desk Precision Cancer Care Office Lawrence Kansas


An Oasis of Care:

The success of PCC isn’t solely Dr. Klish’s story. He attributes a significant part of it to his incredible staff. 

“One of the most heartwarming aspects of running Precision Cancer Care (PCC) is witnessing the incredible impact our team has on patients every single day. Over and over, patients share the same unanimous message – they are deeply touched by the compassion they receive from our staff. ”  

It’s more than just treatment but actually being cared about. At PCC, we understand that a cancer diagnosis is a deeply personal journey. Our team goes above and beyond to provide not just advanced treatment options, but also a sense of comfort and support. It’s truly inspiring to see how our staff embodies this philosophy.

“I get told often that the moment a patient walks in the dedication of our team starts right from the first point of contact. Patients consistently express their appreciation for the warm welcome they receive. Our staff is always there to assist with any questions, help navigate paperwork, and ensure a smooth transition into their initial appointments. My team truly cares and, at times, are the unsung heroes. These kind words from our patients are a true testament to the dedication and compassion of our team. They are the heartbeat of PCC, the quiet heroes who make all the difference in our patients’ lives and this community. It’s just a wonderful feeling to hear and see every day and we are incredibly grateful for each and every member of our staff. They are the embodiment of PCC’s mission to provide such compassionate care alongside advanced treatment options.” 

A Heartfelt Thank You:

PCC’s success wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of the Lawrence community. Dr. Klish expresses his deepest gratitude to the people of Lawrence from all walks of life. He emphasizes that the ability to provide local treatment has been the bedrock of PCC’s achievements.

PCC & Dr. Darren Klish

Dr. Darren Klish, Precision Cancer Care


Dr. Klish’s passion for caring extends beyond his patients. He offers valuable advice to young professionals – to follow their intuition and discover their unique talents for caring for others. He reflects on his own education, acknowledging the invaluable foundation provided by his training at KU Medical Center. However, he emphasizes the crucial learnings gained through experience, those that refine and deepen his skills. With this enthusiasm, Dr. Klish looks forward to serving the Lawrence community for another ten years, filled with collaboration with Lawrence Memorial physicians across all specialties.

Precision Cancer Care – Here for You:

Precision Cancer Care stands as a beacon of hope, offering advanced treatment, compassionate care, and a commitment to the Lawrence community. To learn more about their services or schedule a consultation, visit their website at www.pcc.health.com

Precision Cancer Care – Precisely Where You Should Be.


Precision Cancer Care

Precision Cancer Care

Precision Cancer Care - Precisely Where You Should Be.